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All profits from these items will be donated to the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre  and the Down Syndrome Resource Centre in Vancouver, BC.


The Down Syndrome Resource Centre is a local organization that has worked with our son, Rowan, for many years. As the name suggests, they are a great resource for people with Down Syndrome and their families. Their mission:


"Our mission is to support people living with Down syndrome and their families with individualized and leading-edge educational programs, health services, information resources, and rich social connections so each person can flourish in their own right.

Our vision is a Canada that values and empowers people with Down syndrome, fostering economic, social, and individual inclusion throughout their lives."




Vancouver's Downtown Eastside is a complicated neighbourhood, notorious for substance abuse and other health issues, houselessness, poverty, and violence. My experiences working and walking there impressed upon me the inestimable value of street-level support from organizations like the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre. From their Mission and Values page:


"The mission of the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre (DEWC) is to provide a safe, non-judgmental environment for self-identifying women (cis, trans, 2S), from all walks of life, who live and/or work in the Downtown Eastside. To achieve this goal, DEWC provides supportive surroundings with meals, counseling, advocacy, and programs which nurture and empower members."


All profits from the sale of the items listed here in this collection will be equally divided between the DSRF and the DEWC. Each purchase here raises approximately $5 towards these efforts.

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